SCM glossary
- access management
Enables account administrators to control user access.
- admin user
A user with permission to make changes in the system, for example, add, assign, edit, and delete.
Application Programming Interface. A software intermediary that allows two applications to talk with each other.
- at destination
Shipment is close to the delivery point or is at the destination.
- at origin
The start button has been pushed on the logger, but the shipment has not left the geofence.
- average (avg.) release time
The average number of days from when a shipment is delivered until it is closed.
- average Duration [hrs/d]
The average time a shipment stayed at a certain point of interest.
- average temperature
Average of the temperature reading sent from loggers every 10 minutes during a shipment.
- boundary
A temperature level and time limit rule, set by the customer. Examples of boundaries are "Upper" and "Lower."
- collection severity
For cases with more than one shipment with the same Shipment Reference number, this field shows the highest severity of those shipments.
- consignee/CNEE
The recipient of a shipment, but not necessarily the final destination. Could be a third-party courier handling last-mile delivery.
- damage notification
A notification alert from the Supply Chain Monitoring (SCM) system where a logger has breached a notification severity boundary but has not yet breached into a full temperature excursion.
- delivered
The stop button on the logger has been pressed, and the status changed in the Controlant system.
- delivery method
A method specified in the system. Determines when the logger stops recording data for the shipment. The available methods are Auto (Geofence), Button, Specify time, Geofence OR Button, and Geofence AND Button. Also known as the "Stop method." Both methods are equivalent.
- duration of release process
The number of days from the time that a shipment is delivered until it is closed.
- en route
A shipment that is currently traveling between origin and destination. Also referred to as: "In Transit" or "Shipping."
End of life. In the context of manufacturing and product lifecycles, it is the final stages of a product's existence.
- event
Any single action logged by a logger monitoring a shipment, e.g., a milestone reached, a button pressed, an alarm detected, a comment made.
- event log
List of events related to a specific shipment.
- exception
An incident where a defined shipment parameter is no longer met, such as temperature setting, transportation route, or mode.
- geofence
The geofence is the area around the shipping or receiving site where the device is considered at origin or destination. Different geofence radiuses — between 1–15 kilometers — can be selected in the Supply Chain Monitoring (SCM) system.
Global Freight Forwarder.
- idle time
Amount of time the shipment has been idle in one location.
- ignore period
A configurable period where the logger is instructed not to report the temperature data either at the start or end of a shipment.
- incident period
The duration of an incident in which date and time is referred to in connection with a starting point and end point. These are based on visibly detected failure events.
- inspection
Area where a quality representative can make comments on the shipment’s status. The character limit is 500.
- in transit
A shipment that is currently traveling between origin and destination. Also referred to as: "En Route" or "Shipping."
- lane
The route between the origin location and the final destination location.
- last exception
The last exception notified.
- last location
The last physical location at which the shipment registered an alarm or an alarm was triggered.
- last location type
Type of location where the shipment was last logged.
- last reported
The last location where coordinates were checked.
- leg type
Type of location (if stationary) or description of status (if en route).
- light event
The Saga logger has a light sensor positioned below the display. The device measures light intensity every 10 seconds and compares the last measurement value to the current one. It reports a light event if it reaches a certain threshold in change.
- location
The geographical position of a logger visible on maps in the Supply Chain Monitoring (SCM) user interface.
- logger list
The left-hand control in the "Loggers" view in the Supply Chain Monitoring (SCM) system, providing several filter options and a list of loggers that match the currently selected filters.
Logistics Service Provider. A company that provides supply chain management services to other companies, such as transportation, warehousing, or distribution services.
- M2M
Machine to machine. Expression used to describe any technology that enables networked devices to exchange information and perform actions without the manual assistance of humans.
- manual upload
Data upload method via USB. Used whenever the measurement data cannot be automatically uploaded to the Cloud.
Mean Kinetic Temperature. Its levels are a measurement of fluctuations in temperature during the storage or transit of perishable goods.
- notification
A severity level used to indicate when temperature is approaching levels which, if reached, impacts product quality. The levels may be low, medium, or high.
- point of destination
The arrival point of the shipment.
- point of origin
The departure point of the shipment.
- product
A "product" within the Controlant platform is a representation of a pharmaceutical product and can have certain properties such as transport condition and product stability profile.
- product entry
An instance of a product in a shipment, e.g. a palette or batch of a certain product. A shipment can have multiple product entries.
- product stability profile
Criteria for the stability of a product. Used by the Product Stability Automation when calculating product quality. For each product you can configure a product stability profile with one ore more criteria for temperature limits and time limits for how long the product can be outside each of those temperature limits before product stability is affected, as well as optional freeze-thaw cycles.
- properties
A list of attributes distinctive to the particular shipment.
- report
The types of reports are shipment reports, delivery reports, and temperature reports.
- right first time
In supply chain management, Right First Time (RFT) typically refers to shipments that need no manual intervention or rework. In Controlant's Right First Time dashboard, RFT is defined as shipments that are automatically delivered and closed in Controlant's Supply Chain Monitoring system and had no excursions of severity equal to or higher than the excursion severity threshold. A shipment is considered Non-Right First Time if it is either manually delivered, manually closed, or both; or if it has been delivered for more than 150 days without being closed.
- severity
Classifies exceptions into severity categories depending on predefined criteria from lowest severity to highest severity for a single shipment. An attribute of the boundary usually used to name and differentiate the boundaries as set by the customer. Severity levels are Low, Medium, and High.
- shipment
Loggers are assigned to shipments by the customer. The customer can create a shipment in the Create a Shipment button in the lower left corner of the user interface. Shipments can have the following statuses: created, ready, shipped, delivered, closed, and deleted.
- shipment duration
Duration (in hours) per event or shipment as a whole.
- shipment list
Available in the right-hand control in the shipment views. It provides a number of tabs that each show shipments that meet a specific set of filters and the shipment search form. The tabs are Active, Inspection, Preparation, Closed, and Search.
- shipment log
A centralized place where it is possible to view various shipment data recorded over a period of time.
- shipment progress
Portion of distance traveled (in km) from origin.
- shipment reference number
The reference number for a shipment.
- shipping
A shipment that is currently traveling between origin and destination. Also referred to as: "en route" or "in transit."
- shipping
A shipment that is currently traveling between origin and destination. Also referred to as: "En Route" or "In Transit."
- single logger view
A view showing a single logger. Includes tabs for sub-views such as Info, Chart, and Data.
- single shipment view
A view showing a single shipment. Includes tabs for sub-views such as Info, Chart, Properties, Data, and Comments.
- stability data
States that a product can encounter an excursion on a certain temperature range for a certain amount of time and can still be released to the market.
- start button
The logger is awakened from the Standby Mode by pressing and holding this button. The shipment to which the logger is assigned is started.
- start method
The method that is specified in the system which determines when the logger starts recording data for the shipment. The available start methods are Auto (Geofence), Button, Specify time, and Geofence OR Button.
- stop button
An Event is registered by pressing the Stop button.
- stop method
The method that is specified in the system determines when the logger stops recording data for the shipment. The available start methods are Auto (Geofence), Button, Specify time, Geofence OR Button, and Geofence AND Button. Also known as the Delivery method. Both methods are equivalent.
- tab
A category of items on the user interface (UI).
- temperature exception
Temperature is above or below the set limits for the shipment.
- temperature range (groups)
Temperature as defined in the Supply Chain Monitoring (SCM) system with subsequent group mapping for reporting purposes.
- transportation mode
Transportation mode as defined in the Supply Chain Monitoring system with subsequent group mapping for reporting purposes.
- UI
User Interface. Also referred to as web interface.
- view
A view is a page in the user interface with the primary purpose of displaying information. Examples include single shipment view, single logger view, and locations view.