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In this section:

The Loggers tab allows you to view information about all your loggers, including type of logger, firmware version, battery level and last location.

Shipment overview report - Loggers tab

Loggers KPIs

Shipment overview report - Loggers KPIs

Key performance indicators for selected loggers.





Number of loggers customer has used in shipments.

Logger ratio

Ratio of of loggers to shipments in selected shipments.

Shipping loggers

Number of customer's loggers currently in a shipment.


Not all customers have the same filters. You may not see all of the following filters, and you may have filters not included below.


For any filter, to clear it, click Click eraser to clear this filter.

You can use the filter to select shipments data to include in the report using the following criteria:



Date shipped

Date range for the date shipment was started, in DD-MM-YYYY format.

Type a date, or click Click to select a date from a calendar to select a date from a calendar.

  • Start of date range for date shipment started.

  • End of date range for date shipment started.

Date delivered

Date range for the date shipment was delivered, in DD-MM-YYYY format.

Type a date, or click Click to select a date from a calendar to select a date from a calendar.

  • Start of date range for date shipment delivered.

  • End of date range for date shipment delivered.


Reference to unique identifier of shipment in customer's system. Click to select, or press CTRL and click to select more than one from the list.


Severity of excursion. Click to select, or press CTRL and click to select more than one of the following:


Current status of shipment. Click to select, or press CTRL and click to select more than one of the following:


Origin of shipment. Click to select, or press CTRL and click to select more than one from the list.


Destination of shipment. Click to select, or press CTRL and click to select more than one from the list.

Temperature range/

Stowage condition

Temperature range to filter for. Click to select, or press CTRL and click to select more than one from the list.

Transportation mode

Transportation mode. Click to select, or press CTRL and click to select more than one from the list. Options include:

  • Air

  • Ocean

  • Road


Name of carrier.

Business Unit

Business unit. Click to select, or press CTRL and click to select more than one from the list.

Logger type

Type of logger. Click to select, or press CTRL and click to select more than one from the list.

Table - details about customer's selected loggers

Table - details about customer's selected loggers




Reference to unique identifier of shipment in customer's system.

Logger id

Id of logger.

Logger description

Logger description as configured in the SCM.

Logger status

Status of logger:

  • Shipping - shipment is shipping.

  • Delivered - shipment has been delivered to destination, but not yet closed.

  • Closed - shipment has been delivered to destination, and has been closed.

Logger type

Type of logger:

  • Saga Standard

  • Saga with probe


Firmware logger is running.

Wake-up interval [h]

Logger's wake-up interval in the shipment, in hours:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 6

  • 12

  • 24

Battery %

Last known battery level of logger.

Blank if logger is currently not in a shipment.

Latest latitude

Last known latitude of logger.

Blank if logger is currently not in a shipment.

Latest longitude

Last known longitude of logger.

Blank if logger is currently not in a shipment.