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Master data and templates

In this section:

Master data is data that is referred to in different transactions (shipments), and examples are alert, product, subscription, template, or location data. This data changes less frequently than transactional data.

Master data can be sourced from customer backend systems such as:

  • Supply Chain Management Systems (SCM)

  • Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)

  • Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)

  • Logistics Management Systems (LMS)

Master data templates

Master-data templates play a key role in the Integration APIs. They enable a modular, flexible and fast approach to shipment creation by employing a convention-over-configuration approach to data entry.

This system can be automated to help reduce accidental user-input errors by ensuring that support data needed for shipment creation is automatically generated by your support systems and databases.

The templating process

TBD: Add template flow overview diagram