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Contact data

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Having access to the right contacts at the right time is highly important and the more up to date the better. Sharing it between us on a standard format is also highly advantageous as it reduces the manual errors.

When scaling we multiply the amount of receiving sites, lanes, and shipments.

  • The reverse logistics management grows in direct relation to # of loggers and of receiving sites.

  • The excursion contact management grows in direct relation to # of lanes and # of shipments.

Sharing contact data manually

  1. In the beginning you can share a list of your available contacts with Controlant in a predefined format: Controlant can share the format upon request.

  2. Controlant uses its internal bulk upload procedure to upload the data into the system.

  3. After the initial upload, Controlant has an internal portal to add new contact information for our customers.

    1. Highly important as we know that sourcing new contacts is a rather frequent task e.g. for receiving sites.

Interface/ endpoint

Currently there are no customer facing integration interfaces for contact data import.