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In this section:

Internal comments: I changed some minor things below - biggest change was to add a separate heading for Controlant supplied Correlation Ids for emphasis. Please review

Here you can find information that is useful for debugging issues that may come up.

Tracking requests using correlation Identifiers

The Controlant Integration API is built up of several asynchronous system components and to facilitate easier message tracking through various components it uses the correlation identifier or Correlation ID pattern.

Each incoming request is issued a unique identifier that is carried with it through all internal system components and used to identify various system generated requests/responses originating from a single incoming client request.

curl -X POST \
     -H "Authorization: APIKey MYAPIKEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "x-api-version: 1" \
     -H 'X-Correlation-Id: {GUID}' \
     -d '{"reference": "Test-Echo-Request-01"}' \

The X-Correlation-Id header is always returned with all HTTP responses. We advise you to log this value in your systems for reference if issues arise.


You can either include the X-Correlation-Id header in your initial request or omit it and leave it up to the Controlant platform to generate one.

Caller supplied Correlation Ids

We highly encourage clients working with larger multi-system integration solutions to consider supplying the Controlant Integration API with your own generated Correlation Id.

By maintaining your own Correlation Id values you can track requests as they pass through multiple integration system providers and use the Correlation Id as the main tracking code when tracking data flow issues or errors in large asynchronous integration system networks.

The Controlant platform will honor all Correlation Id values passed to it by its callers and return the same value back in all HTTP responses.

Controlant supplied Correlation Ids

If the request does not include a Correlation Id, the Controlant platform will generate one, and that Correlation Id header is always returned with all HTTP responses.

We advise you to log this value in your systems for reference in case issues arise.