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Searching for a shipment

In this section:

When a delivery site receives a a shipment from a pharma company, delivery site representatives can instantly check to see whether the pharmaceuticals are safe to use, via a web site provided by the pharma company.

To do this you will need one or more of the following:

  • Shipment reference / Delivery number - You can find the Shipment reference / Delivery number in documents attached to the shipment.

  • Logger ID:

Aurora Share - results

The results show a brief overview of the shipment.




Reference to unique identifier of shipment in customer's system; Shipment reference or Delivery number.


Status of the shipment:

  • Shipping - shipment is in Shipping status, and the report is not yet available.

  • Delivered - shipment is in Delivered status.

  • Expired - shipment is in Expired status, and the report is no longer available.

Data Status

Indicates whether all expected temperature data has been received for this shipment:

  • OK - all expected temperature data has been received.

  • Data issue - some of the expected temperature data is pending.

  • N/A - status of the expected temperature data is unknown.


Quality of the shipment:

  • Released/ Good - shipment quality is good, and shipment has been released.

  • Undecided/ Bad - shipment quality cannot be determined and a manual inspection is required.

  • Rejected - shipment quality has been rejected.

  • Partly released - part of shipment has been released.

  • N/A - shipment quality is unknown.


Message for this shipment:

  • Report is ready for download - report is available. To download eport, click Aurora Share - click to download report.

  • Report not yet available - report is not available, please wait and try again in a few minutes.


    You can sign up to receive a notification when the report is ready to download, see Requesting a notification when report becomes available.

  • Report no longer available - the report has expired and is no longer available.

  • One or more loggers in this shipment are still active - shipment cannot be closed as one or more loggers are still active.


Actions you can take for this shipment:

  • Aurora Share - click to download report - Download quality report for this shipment.

  • Aurora Share - click to return device - Return monitoring device.

  • Aurora Share - click to configure getting an email when the report becomes available - Request email notification when quality report is available.

If the quality report is available, you can download it.

  1. Click Aurora Share - click to download report.

    A pdf file of the quality report is downloaded. You may be asked to select the folder to save the file in.

  2. Navigate to the folder you saved the report.

  3. Open the report.

For more information about the report, see Aurora Share quality report.

If the quality report is not available, and you get the message Report not yet available, you can sign up to receive an email notification when the quality report becomes available.

Requesting notification email when quality report is available:

  1. To sign up to receive an email notification when the quality report is available, click Aurora Share - click to configure getting an email when the report becomes available.

    The Subscribe dialog appears:

    Aurora Share - enter email to get a notification by email when the report becomes available
  2. In the Email box, type your email address.

  3. Click Notify me.

    You will get a notification when the report is available and you can look up the shipment.

Aurora Share - results: no matches found

If no match is found for your search parameters, check whether there is a typo in the parameters you supplied and try again.

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