Account admin
If you have Admin permission, you can use Account Admin to configure the following, as well as is a special interface for admins to tweak user settings and manage the global account.
To open the Account Admin, in a browser, navigate to
You can use My Control Panel to configure the Supply Chain Monitoring platform for you.
In the My control panel you are configuring the interface for yourself.
In My Display Settings, you can configure the interface language, time zone, and unit of temperature for you.
Each of these three settings can only be configured on the individual level if the All Solutions company wide settings are not locked.
In the Account Admin, click My Display Settings.
If you want to configure the language of the Supply Chain Monitoring (SCM) system, in the Language list, do one of the following:
To set the language to English, click English.
To set the language to Spanish, click Spanish.
If this setting is unavailable, this is configured on the company level in the All Solutions.
If you want to configure the time zone you use, in the Timezone list, click the time zone you want to use.
If this setting is unavailable, this is configured on the company level in the All Solutions.
If you want to configure the unit of temperature you use, in the Temperature list, do one of the following:
To use Celsius, click Celsius.
To use Fahrenheit, click Fahrenheit.
If this setting is unavailable, this is configured on the company level in the All Solutions.
Click Save changes.
Here, you can configure your personal information; name, email address and mobile phone number.
If you want to add or change your name, do the following:
In in the Name box on the left, type your first name.
In in the Name box on the right, type your last name.
To provide your email address, in in the Email address box, type your email address.
To provide your mobile phone number, in the Mobile number box, to add your full, international mobile number, do the following:
To set the country code, click the flag and to select the country from the list.
Type your mobile phone number after the country code.
Click Save changes.
By submitting your phone number you give Controlant and Controlant‘s subprocessors consent to process your personal information. The processing is limited to your phone number for the purposes of sending SMS messages to keep you updated on the status of Shipments you are subscribed to, and Two-Factor-Authentication (2FA) when logging into the Controlant system (if configured).
You can change your password.
This step is not required if you use Single sign-on to log in.
If you want to change your password, do the following:
In in the Current Password box, type your current password.
In in the New Password box, type your new password.
In in the Confirm New Password box, type your new password again.
Click Save changes.
You can use the Audit Trails tab to view system actions by users and resources during a selected time frame. This includes SCM system's automatic actions, e.g., automatically closed shipments.
For more information, see Audit Trails.
You can use My Control Panel to configure the Supply Chain Monitoring platform for whole company.
All Solutions
You can use My Control Panel to configure the Supply Chain Monitoring platform for whole company.
You can use Company Display Settings to configure the interface language, time zone, and unit of temperature for the whole company. You can also configure whether individual users can override these settings.
In the Account Admin, click Company Display Settings.
If you want to configure the language of the Supply Chain Monitoring (SCM) system for all users of the platform, do one of the following:
In the Language list, do one of the following:
To set the language to English, click English.
To set the language to Spanish, click Spanish.
If you want to configure whether individual users can override the language settings, do one of the following:
If you do not want to enable individual users to override the language settings, click to toggle the setting to .
The button switches to Locked.
If you want to enable individual users to override the language settings, click to toggle the setting to ..
The button switches to Unlocked.
If you want to configure the time zone for all users of the platform do the following:
In the Timezone list, click the time zone to use.
If you want to configure whether individual users can override the time zone settings, do one of the following:
If you do not want to enable individual users to override the time zone settings, click to toggle the setting to .
The button switches to Locked.
If you want to enable individual users to override the time zone settings, click to toggle the setting to ..
The button switches to Unlocked.
If you want to configure the unit of temperature for all users of the platform, in the Temperature list, do one of the following:
Do one of the following:
To use Celsius, click Celsius.
To use Fahrenheit, click Fahrenheit.
If you want to configure whether individual users can override the unit of temperature settings, do one of the following:
If you do not want to enable individual users to override the unit of temperature settings, click to toggle the setting to .
The button switches to Locked.
If you want to enable individual users to override the unit of temperature settings, click to toggle the setting to ..
The button switches to Unlocked.
You can use the Custom Properties tab to create and manage custom properties.
Item | Description |
Filter | Filters the custom properties shown in the table:
Name | Name of custom property. |
Type | Type of custom property:
Required | Indicates whether custom property is required.
Actions | Actions you can take on the custom property:
Creating a new Custom Property
In the Account Admin, click Custom Properties.
The Custom Properties page appears.
Click New Custom Property.
The Create New Custom Property page appears.
In the Name box, type a name for the custom property.
To select a type of custom property, in the Type box, do one of the following:
To create a custom property that can contain text, click Free Text.
To create a custom property that only contain numbers, click Enumerable.
To configure whether the custom property should be required when creating shipments, in the Required box, do one of the following:
To set the custom property to be required, click Yes.
To set the custom property to not be required, click No.
Click + Create Property.
The Custom Properties page appears, with the new custom property in the list.