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Admin - My Control Panel

In this section:

My Display Settings

In My Display Settings, the Admin user selects the preferred display settings for users in the user interface.


These include:

  • Regional Settings

    • Language

      • English

      • Spanish

    • Timezone

      • All time zones available

  • Units

    • Temperature unit

      • Celsius

      • Fahrenheit

    • Velocity unit

      • Kilometers per Hour (km/h)

      • Miles per Hour (m/h)

My Info

On the My Info page, the Admin user registers First name and Last name of users, as well as contact details that include E-mail and Mobile number (country code and number).


Users are required to register an email address. Users who want to receive notifications via text message can optionally register a mobile number.

Change Password

Users are taken to the Change Password page when a new password is requested.


It can take up to a few minutes for the new password to take effect on the login page to the user interface.

What is it?

On the Audit Trails page, the admin user can trace system actions by users and resources during a selected time frame (including the SCM system's automatic actions, e.g., automatically closed shipments.)

Where do I find it?

In the "My control panel" section of the Account Admin.


Navigating the new interface

A new and improved interface is available if you click on the link in the banner on top. You can switch back and forth between the two interfaces depending on the timeframe from which you need data.

The new interface only contains records created after July 3, 2023.


You can filter the records based on four criteria (the fourth being either ID or Reference number.)


After setting the criteria and clicking on the SEARCH button, the results appear in the designated area.


When you click on a result, the empty info section on the right gets populated with relevant data about the selected record.

Clicking on any links in the RELATES TO field will update the relevant criteria, and a new search will bring you to all the records associated with it.

Example: If you notice something unusual in one shipment, you might wonder if it's a common occurrence in that city. To confirm, click on the location ID in the "Relates to" field. This will update the "Location" field in the search criteria. Once you click the Search button, you'll immediately see all the records linked to that ID.


Clicking on VIEW DETAILS opens up the RECORD DETAILS screen, where you can see the metadata, a data snapshot, and all the changes associated with the record.


The data snapshot is a JSON viewer where you can see the entire request that created the audit record. You can also download the JSON file by clicking on the download button (highlighted in the screenshot.)


The changes are displayed in a 3-column table with the name of the changed value, the original value, and the updated value.


Navigating the previous interface

If you need data from a timeframe before July 3, 2023, and you already switched to the new interface, then click on the text above the filtering option.


To filter the search, select your preferences from the dropdown lists.

MY ACTIONS will list all your actions as an admin user in the chosen timeframe.

ALL ACTIONS BY A USER will list all the actions a specific user had performed in the chosen period. When clicking on it, an additional dropdown menu appears, where you can select the user.

ALL ACTIONS ON A RESOURCE will list all the actions performed on the chosen resource within the specified timeframe. Clicking on it will activate a second dropdown menu with the available resources and a fillable field where you must type the resource's ID.


To start the search, click on the GO button. The result(s) will appear below the filters.

To expand the view of a result, click on the magnifying glass with a + sign under DETAILS.

The additional details will include:

  • More information about the session

  • The status of the action

  • More detailed information.

If available, you will also see an additional window called DATA SNAPSHOT, with XML code describing all the available details.


My Display Settings

In My Display Settings, the Admin user selects the preferred display settings for users in the user interface.


These include:

  • Regional Settings

    • Language

      • English

      • Spanish

    • Timezone

      • All time zones available

  • Units

    • Temperature unit

      • Celsius

      • Fahrenheit

    • Velocity unit

      • Kilometers per Hour (km/h)

      • Miles per Hour (m/h)

My Info

On the My Info page, the Admin user registers First name and Last name of users, as well as contact details that include E-mail and Mobile number (country code and number).


Users are required to register an email address. Users who want to receive notifications via text message can optionally register a mobile number.

Change Password

Users are taken to the Change Password page when a new password is requested.


It can take up to a few minutes for the new password to take effect on the login page to the user interface.

What is it?

On the Audit Trails page, the admin user can trace system actions by users and resources during a selected time frame (including the SCM system's automatic actions, e.g., automatically closed shipments.)

Where do I find it?

In the "My control panel" section of the Account Admin.


Navigating the new interface

A new and improved interface is available if you click on the link in the banner on top. You can switch back and forth between the two interfaces depending on the timeframe from which you need data.

The new interface only contains records created after July 3, 2023.


You can filter the records based on four criteria (the fourth being either ID or Reference number.)


After setting the criteria and clicking on the SEARCH button, the results appear in the designated area.


When you click on a result, the empty info section on the right gets populated with relevant data about the selected record.

Clicking on any links in the RELATES TO field will update the relevant criteria, and a new search will bring you to all the records associated with it.

Example: If you notice something unusual in one shipment, you might wonder if it's a common occurrence in that city. To confirm, click on the location ID in the "Relates to" field. This will update the "Location" field in the search criteria. Once you click the Search button, you'll immediately see all the records linked to that ID.


Clicking on VIEW DETAILS opens up the RECORD DETAILS screen, where you can see the metadata, a data snapshot, and all the changes associated with the record.


The data snapshot is a JSON viewer where you can see the entire request that created the audit record. You can also download the JSON file by clicking on the download button (highlighted in the screenshot.)


The changes are displayed in a 3-column table with the name of the changed value, the original value, and the updated value.


Navigating the previous interface

If you need data from a timeframe before July 3, 2023, and you already switched to the new interface, then click on the text above the filtering option.


To filter the search, select your preferences from the dropdown lists.

MY ACTIONS will list all your actions as an admin user in the chosen timeframe.

ALL ACTIONS BY A USER will list all the actions a specific user had performed in the chosen period. When clicking on it, an additional dropdown menu appears, where you can select the user.

ALL ACTIONS ON A RESOURCE will list all the actions performed on the chosen resource within the specified timeframe. Clicking on it will activate a second dropdown menu with the available resources and a fillable field where you must type the resource's ID.


To start the search, click on the GO button. The result(s) will appear below the filters.

To expand the view of a result, click on the magnifying glass with a + sign under DETAILS.

The additional details will include:

  • More information about the session

  • The status of the action

  • More detailed information.

If available, you will also see an additional window called DATA SNAPSHOT, with XML code describing all the available details.
